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Herzlich willkommen bei Jivamukti Yoga Cologne!
Unsere Schule, inspiriert von der Jivamukti-Tradition, ist ein Ort der Spiritualität und Gemeinschaft im Herzen von Köln. Täglich bieten wir Jivamukti Yoga Klassen an, ergänzt durch sanftes Yin und wohltuendes Restoratives Yoga – begleitet von Klangschalen und heilenden Klängen, die tiefe Entspannung fördern. Gemeinsam schaffen wir einen Raum, in dem die transformative Kraft von Yoga erforscht und erfahren werden kann. Lust, Teil unserer Community zu sein?
Unsere Klassen
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Wir bieten dir eine Auswahl der bekannten Jivamukti Yoga Signature Klassen.” ” Egal ob ruhig und restorativ oder energetisch und fordernd in einer Open Class.
75HR Teacher Training
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Die Jivamukti Yoga 75HR-Lehrerausbildung bietet eine praktische, grundlegende Einführung in das Unterrichten der Jivamukti-Methode, basierend auf der charakteristischen Spiritual Warrior-Sequenz.
Jivamukti Community
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Treten Sie unserer Community in den sozialen Medien bei Jivamukti Yoga Köln bei
"Jivamukti Yoga is a path to enlightenment through compassion for all beings."
– Sharon Gannon
Lerne unsere Lehrer*innen kennen
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![Alpha - Circular Logo - Fresh Morning - Dark](https://jivamuktiyoga-cologne.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Alpha-Circular-Logo-Fresh-Morning-Dark.webp)
"The way you treat others determines the way others treat you, the way others treat you determines the way you see yourself and the way you see yourself determines who you are."
– Sharon Gannon
Willkommen bei Jivamukti Yoga Köln
Ongoing weekly class just for beginners. Each Jivamukti Basics class is part of a four week course that explores a different theme each week .
- Week one- Standing Asana
- Week two – Forward bending Asana
- Week three – Backbending Asana
- Week four – Turning in upside down and putting it all together
- We are offering a 60 min and 75 min Basics class weekly.
Open Level
Whether you’re a beginner, deciphering the difference between vrksasana (tree) and sirshasana (headstand) or an advanced yogi who can put both feet behind their head, the Jivamukti Open class welcomes you, as it is open to practitioners of all levels. You work at your own pace, following the teacher’s verbal as well as hands-on guidance.
Beginner Vinyasa
This slow-moving, deep exploratory class provides the student with the underlying basics of how a vinyasa practice works. Vinyasa is a method of practicing asana (physical poses), where the asanas are presented in a sequence, flowing one to the next. The practice focuses on aligning one’s breath and spiritual intention with movement.
Spiritual Warrior
Jivamukti Spiritual Warrior classes are designed for busy people who only have an hour to practice. The class is fast-paced and invigorating and is certainly a “get-in-shape” class. The structure is a fixed set sequence instructed in a vinyasa style. It is a fully balanced class where the teacher focuses on keeping the pace moving and does not stop to give spiritual discourses . Since the asana sequence is always the same a student will pick it up quickly after only a couple of classes.
Restore & Renew
This class is designed to rest your mind and you body. It involves gentle movements, breathing techniques, meditation, a guided relaxation, Sanskrit chanting and asana that are held for a couple of minutes. You will feel physically and mentally restored after taking this class and it is a wonderful addition to all vinyasa based Jivamukti Yoga classes, such as Open or Spiritual Warrior Classes. Your fascia will be gently but effectively stretched, your breath elongated and your mind calmed.
Magic Ten & Beyond
As a class based on Sharon Gannon’s personal practice , it contains Asana, Kriya, Pranayama , Meditation and Affirmations. It is suitable for practitioners who seek a complete, yet slower and less athletic Asana practice , while having a stronger focus on Pranayama , Meditation and Relaxation . It provides simple tools for cultivating a positive mindset and becoming a better person on and off the mat.
Satsang is often described as a coming together of like-minded people in pursuit of the truth. Everyone is welcome in these free weekly sessions to come chant, meditate and listen to teachings from Eternity is happening Now , Sharon Gannon’s latest books Volumn 1 and 2 that inspire, educate and uplift heart and mind. No booking required .